Communication hub is a centralized space where users can view and add comments to tasks across all projects in their account. By having all the task-related communications within the same place, you will not have to go back and search for a comment amid a sea of general private or group chats. All conversations take place within the context of the specific task, reducing distractions, saving time, and ensuring you never miss important details.
How to work with a Communication hub
To open the Communication hub, click on its corresponding icon on the left sidebar.
By default, you will see all the tasks from all the projects 1 that are available to you. It is possible to select one or several projects from this box.
Note that users can see different projects and tasks according to their account roles and project rights.
To find a particular task, you can introduce its name or any comment-related keyword in a search box 2. It is also possible to use filter tabs to only see the tasks:
3 with new comments
4 where you’re mentioned @
5 that are assigned to you (helps to follow tasks you’re responsible for)
6 that have been created by you (helps to follow tasks initiated by you)
The list of tasks in the Communication hub is organized based on comments as follows:
- First - tasks with new comments
- Second - tasks with read comments
- The rest of the tasks without any comments
Tasks with comments are displayed in real-time and in chronological order: from the latest comment to the oldest one. Tasks without comments are listed based on their creation date, with the most recent tasks appearing first.
Each task card includes the task name and its path with the project name and the proximate parent task. To view the task path in more detail, simply hover your cursor over the task. This feature can be particularly helpful when your projects consist of similar tasks or have a long chain of subtasks on different levels.
When you have unread comments, you will see an orange dot sign 1 on the left sidebar. Within the Communication hub, unread comments are indicated with a @mention icon 2 if they are directed at you, or as a counter 3 in other cases. Additionally, there is a button at the top of the task list 4 that allows you to mark all unread comments as read.
By clicking on the task in the list, you can see the history of all the comments to it 5. You also have the option to open the Task Settings 6 to review or configure the specific details of the selected task within the Communication hub.
In the Communication hub, just like in Task settings, you can also:
1 Leave comments
2 Use formatting tools and include links
3 Delete and edit comments
Note that any comments typed but not saved, are stored as drafts in the respective window (both in Task settings and in the Communication hub) during your browsing session.