To export a project from GanttPRO, click on the export icon in the upper right corner.
After that, on the left, you will see the state of your project that will be exported and on the right, there will be a dashboard where you can configure what exactly should be exported.
Overall, export options depend on the export format. By default, it is set to PDF, but you can also choose PNG, XML, or Excel.
Note: PDF and PNG formats allow for more export configurations.
Export in PDF and PNG
The PDF and PNG formats can be used, among others, to print a project with a Gantt chart. For these formats you have the following configuration options:
1 Paper size
Full size is set by default, but you have plenty of other options. This option is only available for PDF.
2 Orientation
Choose between landscape or portrait page orientation. This option is also only available for PDF.
3 Filters
Use them to export particular parts of your project. This is a standard GanttPRO filter. Learn here how to work with it.
You can filter by Task name, Type, Assignee, Status, Priority, Start, End, and Creation Dates, Color, and all Custom fields. Or you can apply the already saved filter.
4 Zoom
Select the time scale for an exported Gantt chart. Your project Zoom configuration will be used as a default one, but you can switch to other options for export.
5 Baseline
If you have created a baseline in your project and you need to include it, just choose the one you need from this field.
6 Task name
Choose between 3 options: it can be placed inside a task bar, on the right, or not displayed at all.
7 Strikethrough and Grayed out toggles
If Strikethrough is on, completed tasks will be crossed out. If the Grayed out option is on, completed tasks will be faded.
Critical path, Today marker, Workload, and Overdue tasks
Those are synchronized with the Project settings. If they are turned On in the project settings, they are On here as well. But you can disable these options for this specific exported file right here. These changes won’t affect your project.
Field settings
Choose the Standard fields and Custom fields you need to include in the exported project. By default, all the fields that are displayed on your project grid will be included in the exported file. You can activate or deactivate some fields for export straight from the export menu without going back to the project grid.
Export in XML and Excel
You do not have any configuration options for exporting in XML format. Thus, in this case, all the data from your project will be exported.
For Excel, you can use filters and include baseline data.
Note that both XML and Excel export do not include a Gantt chart.