Organizational structure
Project portfolio
A project portfolio is a group of individual projects displayed on a single screen. It provides a comprehensive high-level overview of multiple projects in one place. This allows you to manage and monitor their progress, status, and performance simultaneously, with easy access to detailed information on each one.
A project is a sequence of tasks that form a specific plan for achieving a particular goal. In GanttPRO, your workflow revolves around projects. Creating a project is the first step when you begin using the app. It serves as the foundation for organizing your tasks and activities.
A task is a single unit of work that needs to be completed within a project. Tasks can be assigned to a single resource or a group of resources. All tasks have start and end dates by default.
In GanttPRO, you can work with the following types of tasks:
- Summary task: A higher-level task that consolidates a group of related subtasks.
- Task: A specific unit of work that needs to be completed within a project.
- Subtask: A smaller, more detailed unit of work that is part of a group and/or headed by a summary task.
Gantt chart view
Gantt chart
A Gantt chart is a bar chart located on the right side of the screen that visually displays the project schedule on a timeline. The chart outlines tasks on the vertical axis and time intervals on the horizontal axis. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar, showing start and end dates, dependencies, deadlines, project phases, progress, task assignees, and more.
1 Timeline
A project timeline is a graphical representation of a project schedule from start to finish. It lists activities in chronological order.
2 Taskbar
A taskbar represents a project activity illustrated as a horizontal bar on the timeline. The bar's length reflects the task's duration, and a colored segment displays its progress. Completed tasks may be shown as grayed out.
3 Milestone
A milestone is a significant checkpoint of zero duration, visualized on a Gantt chart as a diamond shape. It marks key events in the project lifecycle, such as project approval, external review, or phase completion. Milestones can be linked to other tasks or milestones through dependencies.
4 Dependency
A dependency is a logical relationship between two activities in a project. On a Gantt chart, dependencies are depicted with orange arrows connecting the tasks.
Project grid
A project grid is a table on the left side of the screen divided by rows and fields. It includes tasks and their details within fields, such as status, priority, budget, duration, estimation, time log, progress, and more.
Fields vertically divide a project grid, separating different categories of information relevant to each task. You can add fields by clicking on the "+" sign on the project grid. Fields can be:
- Standard: Predefined fields such as status, priority, and budget.
- Custom: Created by users to address specific project needs.
You can show, hide, stretch, shorten, and reorder the fields to suit your preferences and project requirements.
💡 Learn more about fields.
Other views
Apart from a Gantt chart view, you can also work with Board, List, and Calendar views. Each offers a unique way to organize and manage your tasks.
💡 Read more about different Views here.
Board view
Boards are great tools to visualize and plan the workflow with cards distributed in columns. With a drag & drop feature within the Board view, you can easily distribute project tasks among columns representing particular stages of project development, status, priority, or other customized criteria.
List view
A list view is a table where you can see and work with all the tasks from the project when you do not need to see a Gantt chart.
Calendar view
A Calendar view can be an alternative to more complex, larger-scale planning in the Gantt chart view. It provides a monthly snapshot of tasks and their assignees, with the ability to add and view daily tasks.
The workload table shows how estimated working hours are allocated across the project team. It identifies areas where resources are underloaded, optimally loaded, or overloaded. The table also includes information on weekends, days off, and any custom working hours.
💡 Learn more about it here.
A Dashboard contains widgets that visualize key project data updated in real-time.