You can use the following keyboard combinations for easier and quicker navigation in GanttPRO:
↑↓ ←→ + focus – navigation between cells and fields.
↑↓ ←→ + edit mode – move the cursor across the text.
Duration + edit mode + ←→ – move the cursor.
Duration + edit mode + ↑↓ – +1/-1 to values.
Duration + edit mode + Shift + ↑↓ – +10/-10 to values.
Duration + edit mode + Alt (Opt for Mac OS) + ↑↓ – +0.1/-0.1 to values.
Enter/Space + focus – open the cell in the edit mode; open the drop-down; open the date picker.
Enter + edit mode – close the cell and save the data – the focus goes down to the next cell; close the cell and leave previous data if nothing has been entered – the focus goes down to the next cell.
Tab + focus – move to the next cell.
Shift + tab + focus – move to the previous cell.
Tab + edit mode – save the data and move to the next/previous cell.
Shift + tab + edit mode – save the data and move to the previous cell.
Shift +→/← + focus – indent/outdent tasks.
Shift + ↑/↓ + focus – collapse/maximize the parent task.
Delete (Cmd for Mac OS)+Backspace + focus – delete the task.
Delete (Cmd for Mac OS)+Backspace + edit mode – delete the task name.
Esc + focus – focus remains on the cell.
Esc + edit mode – close the cell without saving.
Ctrl (Cmd for Mac OS) + Z + focus – open the history of changes.
Ctrl (Cmd for Mac OS)+ Z + edit mode – undo.
Shift + Enter + focus – open task settings.
Space + resource from the drop-down – choose the resource.