The page doesn't load
If you have uploaded the document and the page doesn't load, please try the following:
- Check if you have empty tabs in your original file, delete them and try to import once again.
- Check if you have the latest version of your browser. We recommend using Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, or Firefox.
- Clear the cache and cookies of your browser and try to import once again.
If none of the above helps, email us at Please attach the document that you are trying to import.
I have an error in the date format
If some rows are highlighted in red and there is a warning message, please check the format of your dates or time. The format is matched automatically, but if you have any specific symbols or non-standard data format display, you can either change your date format or do not import Start\End dates fields.
I don't see how I can import a document
If you don't see the plus icon in the top left corner of the page, you don't have rights to create or import new projects.
I set up working days and hours on the pre-import page, but they were not saved
If you are importing the project, there is no need to fill in the start day, working week, etc. on the project creation page. When a project is successfully imported, you can set project calendar in the Project settings.