Each card on a Board represents a task and is color-coded as the task it corresponds to. On each one, you can see:
1 Task path
2 Task color
3 Task name
4 Priority (for grouping by status), status (for grouping by priority), or both values (for grouping by assignee or custom fields)
5 Start and End dates
6 Assignees
7 Comment and attachment icons (if present), which you can click to go to the corresponding section in Task settings
You can change all values directly from the card, except for the Task Name and Task Path. You can also drag and drop cards within a column or between columns, as long as the default grouping options are applied.
đź’ˇ Check here to see how it works with other grouping options.
Filters may simplify your work with cards, especially when you have plenty of them or when you need to find a particular group of tasks.
đź’ˇ Learn here what types of filters you can apply, how to use them, and save thereafter.
Card’s menu
Hover over a card and click on the three dots 1 to access the card’s menu. This will let you to:
2 Open Task settings
3 Rename the task
4 Move the task to another column (same as with drag&drop)
5 Delete the task
Columns display tasks grouped by the criteria you’ve chosen. For example, with the default grouping, tasks are divided by status into columns such as 'Open,' 'In Progress,' 'Done,' and 'Closed.'
At the top of each column, you’ll see its name 1 and, next to it, the total number of tasks 2 in that column.
To hide columns that aren't needed at the moment, hover over the column name and click the collapse icon 1 to the right. To bring them back, hover over the hidden column and click the expand icon 2 near its name.
You can also rearrange columns’ order, whether you're grouping by standard or custom fields. These changes will apply only to you and your board and only while you're working in this specific grouping option in Board view. If you switch to another grouping option or view, the original order will be restored.
Column’s menu
Hover over a column and click on the three dots 1 to see the columns menu. This will let you to:
2 Edit the column
3 Move the column (same as with drag&drop)
4 Delete the column
Important: When grouping by standard fields’ values (such as status, priority, or assignee), the only action available is moving columns on the Board.
However, when grouping by custom fields’ values, you can also edit, delete, and even add new columns by clicking the "+" sign next to the last column.
Keep in mind that any changes made to custom fields in the Board view will apply across the entire account, not just to this board. This is the same as making these changes in a project grid or within the Custom fields menu.