In GanttPRO Gantt diagram maker, you can change a task type after adding it. In particular, it is possible to:
- Choose Indent or Outdent option
- Convert a task to milestone and vice versa
- Use drag&drop to change task type
Indent and Outdent
Click on the three-dots button on the right side of the task name 1 and select Indent 2. This will convert a task into a subtask of a previous one. The task you indent, will go down one level in the WBS hierarchy.
In this example, we have applied Indent to a Subtask 3. As a result, it has been converted into a subtask to a Subtask 2.
Subtask 2 has become a summary task.
For the reverse process, to convert a subtask into a task, click on the three-dots button on the right side of the task name 1 and select Outdent 2. The task you outdent will go up one level in the WBS hierarchy.
In this example, we have applied Outdent to a Subtask 1 and as a result it has been converted into a task and went up one level in the WBS hierarchy.

Convert task to milestone
Click on the three-dots button 1 on the right side of the task name and select Convert to milestone 2.
To revert a milestone back into a task, select Convert to task. You can also change a task into a milestone through the Task settings.
Drag and drop tasks
Change task type by dragging it on the project grid and dropping where needed. Depending on the placement, you can convert a task into a summary task or subtask or simply adjust its order in the WBS.