General configurations
The Calendar view provides a monthly snapshot of the tasks and their assignees. Here, you can add and see all daily tasks available to you according to your Project rights.
1 Tasks are displayed as color-coded bars that extend across the calendar days according to their duration. In a calendar view, task duration is displayed in days. This means that even if a task only takes 1 hour to complete, its corresponding taskbar will span the entire day in a calendar.
Within the calendar day, tasks are displayed in ascending order according to their start time, from the earliest to the latest.
2 Weeks start on either Monday or Sunday, depending on whether you have a Week starts on Monday toggle enabled in your Profile settings.
3 Days-off and other specific non-working days defined in your Project calendar are shown in gray.
4 To move between months, use the backward and forward arrows. Click on Today 5 to quickly return to the present date, and see the current month and day that is highlighted in blue.
Creating tasks in a Calendar view
You can create tasks directly from the Calendar view. For that, hover over a particular day and click on the + sign 1.
In the emerging task creation window:
2 Introduce a task name. This is a mandatory field.
3 Add assignee(s) if necessary by clicking on the appropriate field.
4 Click on Add task to complete task creation.
By default, a task is added to the root of the project and appears at the bottom of the project's Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). To change it, go to a project grid on a Gantt chart view.
To configure additional settings, open task settings by clicking on the taskbar.
Note that It’s not possible to create tasks on days-off and other specific non-working days defined in your project calendar.
Managing tasks
1 Viewing and editing tasks
Hovering over a task will show you some task details. To see more or configure detailed aspects of the task, click on the taskbar to open the Task settings. It’s not possible to move the tasks and change their order within a day in a calendar.
2 Modifying task dates
You can move tasks from one day to another by dragging and dropping them within the Calendar view. It is also possible to adjust the end dates of tasks by dragging the end of the taskbar. Note that it’s not possible to change start dates in this manner.
Keep in mind that If you drag the taskbar to extend a task’s end date into a day-off, the end date will automatically adjust to the last working hour of the previous working day (e.g., 6 pm). Similarly, if you drag the taskbar to extend a task’s end date to any other working day, the end time will be also automatically set to the last working hour of that day.
3 Task visibility limits
The Calendar view displays up to 15 tasks per day. It is possible to collapse and expand the list of tasks.
If there are more tasks than this limit, consider using the Gantt chart view. It provides a broader overview and includes a Today marker. You can adjust the zoom level to view tasks scheduled across different time ranges.
4 Searching and filtering tasks
You can use filters in the Calendar view, to see particular tasks (for example, of certain assignee(s), status, or some custom field value).
Learn more about Filters and Custom fields.